Dokuz Eylül University Rector Prof. Dr. Bayram Yılmaz visited our Vocational School and examined our academic units and laboratories. Our Rector also met with the academic staff of our Vocational School and had detailed exchanges of views on issues related to education and training activities
Sustainable Education-Training Strategy Determination Workshop was Held.
Worldwide DEU Alumni
Torbalı District Governor Mr. Adem ÇELİK visited our school. During the visit accompanied by our Board of Directors members, a briefing was given about our school. We would like to express our gratitude to our district governor for his visit.
As Dokuz Eylül University Torbalı Vocational School, we represented our University by participating in the MARBLE İZMİR International Natural Stone and Technologies Fair, one of the most important meetings in the world in the natural stone industry, for the 29th time. Our University Education Program's Specialization Fair focused on Natural Building Stones Technology has been extremely productive and beneficial for our students within the scope of Natural Stone sector-university communication.
Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak and our senior management visited our school.
organ donation seminar
The Winning Team of the Volleyball Tournament Held in Our School in the Fall Semester within the Scope of 2023 - 2024 Academic Year Activities is Birtakım.
life at university without barriers
gluten free diet
DYT Lions Team from the Natural Construction Technology Program won the football tournament held in our school. We would like to thank all our participating teams and congratulate our champion team.
As Torbalı Vocational School, the 10 November Commemoration of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk program was organized.
Project planning for the Metropolis excavation area, in partnership with Torbalı Vocational School, Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Tourism, was carried out by Metropolis Excavation Head Prof. Dr. It was designed under the leadership of Serdar Aybek.
We accompanied the 101st anniversary celebration of Torbalı's Liberation from the Enemy Occupation on September 7th.
Torbalı-Subaşı primary and secondary school students visited our School within the scope of the Young Life Foundation project
Images from our 2022- 2023 Graduation Ceremony. We wish success to all our graduates in their lives and would like to remind them that we are always by their side
Scenes from our 15th of July Event in the Depth of the Mosaic. We would like to thank our District Governor, Ercan Öter, for the district protocol and the youth center that hosts it.
The "Burnt Wheats" movie show was held in our School during the video screening of the Presidential Communications Directorate of the Republic of Turkey, 15 July Democracy and National Unity Day.
MARBLE İZMİR, one of the most important meetings of the world in the natural stone industry
International Natural Stone and Technologies Fair, 26-29 April 2023
opens its doors for the 28th time in history. Dokuz Eylul University Torbali
As a Vocational School, we are participating in the Fair for the 28th time.
MARBLE İZMİR, one of the most important meetings of the world in the natural stone industry
International Natural Stone and Technologies Fair, 26-29 April 2023
opens its doors for the 28th time in history. Dokuz Eylul University Torbali
As a Vocational School, we are participating in the Fair for the 28th time.
Within the scope of DEU TMYO promotion days, we completed it with the participation of Vocational and Technical High Schools affiliated to Torbalı District National Education Directorate. Thanks to our Rector Prof. Dr. We would like to thank Ms. Nukhet Hotar, Torbalı District Directorate of National Education, our School Principals and teachers.
Students of DEU Torbalı Vocational School Welding Technology program of our Research University Head of Department Assoc. Tuncay DİKİCİ and our Program Head Lect. See. Under the coordination of Murat Elibuyuk, they visited deu emum and got information about high-tech production, testing and characterization devices.
Torbalı District Governor Mr. Ercan Öter, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. At the event attended by Mehmet Ali Özcan, district protocol and DEU members, we gave color to life with our hands, expressed our feelings with music and left blue balloons in the sky. We are different, we are always with you
Dokuz Eylül University Torbalı Vocational School Natural Building Stone Technologies Program teachers and students participated in the 27th MARBLE İZMİR International Natural Stone and Technologies Fair. At the fair, our university's stand was presented by our School Director, Prof. Dr. Cüneyt AKAL and our School Secretary Işıl BEDİRHANOĞLU visited.
Dokuz Eylül University Torbalı Vocational School Natural Building Stone Technologies Program teachers and students participated in the 27th MARBLE İZMİR International Natural Stone and Technologies Fair. At the fair, our university's stand was presented by our School Director, Prof. Dr. Cüneyt AKAL and our School Secretary Işıl BEDİRHANOĞLU visited.
At the Graduation Ceremony of the Year 2021 - 2022, Our School Principal Delivered Plaques to the First, Second and Third Prizes
Our Honorable Rector Prof.Dr. We Hosted Nükhet HOTAR And Our Honorable Senate Members In Our School
Our Honorable Rector Prof.Dr. We Hosted Nükhet HOTAR And Our Honorable Senate Members In Our School
Our Honorable Rector Prof.Dr. We Hosted Nükhet HOTAR And Our Honorable Senate Members In Our School